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Pure Enjoyment

In terms of riding in East Tyrol, there are lots of options: professional support and lessons, relationship training, riding lessons, riding participations and so on. There is the possibility of guided rides. And you can also swap the horse for a pony. Pony Meggie would certainly be happy about a little ride. 

Sleigh rides in the romantic winter landscape of East Tyrol are a very special experience. Wrapped up in furs and blankets, you can simply switch off and enjoy the peace and quiet and enjoy a romantic journey through snow-covered meadows and forests. We can pack you a small picnic to be enjoyed on the carriage.

With the Alpine Coaster, the safely guided two-seater comfort sledges, which can also be used by one person without any problems, silently descend the mountain on stainless steel tubes. Here, too, the special experience for the passenger is to determine the speed themselves. The Osttirodler simply leans on the ground without foundations, earth pegs provide a firm hold.
The athlete experiences an exciting and varied journey in some "lofty heights", as the track can be laid between 1 m and 6 m above the ground. Built-in jumps and wave sections increase the thrill considerably. And when it rains or snows - no problem - the brakes always grip sensationally well. Fun for all ages!



Your Vacation in East Tyrol

Winterurlaub Osttirol


Untouched landscapes and snow-covered mountains guarantee dreamy days of rest and relaxation away from mass tourism.

Winter Activities

Ausflüge Osttirol


East Tyrol offers a multitude of interesting excursion destinations and sights. Culture enthusiasts and nature lovers will enjoy their time in East Tyrol.


Kultururlaub Osttirol

From Romans & Counts

Traditions and customs are very important in East Tyrol. A cultural and historical tour through the city of the sun is worthwhile.

Culture Holiday

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